Islam and the Drive to Global Justice
By Louay Safi
Table of Content
Part I: Reevaluating the Grounds for a Just Global Order
Chapter 1: Islamic Rational Idealism and the Universalization of Justice, Louay Safi
Chapter 2: Justice in the Qur’an: Interpretations of a Universal Value in a Globalizing World, Asma Afsaruddin
Chapter 3: Sensory Aesthetics of Belief and Unbelief in the Qur’an and its Impact on Interreligious and Intersocietal Relations, Abdulkader Tayob
Chapter 4: The Islamic Inflection of Connective Justice: Between Cosmopolitan Civility, Institutional Relationality, and Intellectual Reflexivity, Armando Salvatore
Chapter 5: Sharia and Freedom: A Reassessment, Mustafa Akyol
Chapter 6: Towards a Civilizational Ethos: From the Homo Moralis to the Homo Ethicus, Mohammed Hashas
Part II: Global Confluence in the Muslim South
Chapter 7: Muslim Intellectuals and Global Justice: A View from Southeast Asia, Khairudin Aljunied
Chapter 8: Toward a Justice-based Foreign Policy, Farid Senzai
Chapter 9: Religious Diversity in Arab Society: Myth, Conspiracy, and Reality, Mohammed Abu-Nimer
Chapter 10: Arab Authoritarianism and Western Complacency, Louay Safi
About the Contributors